

Endless attempts.
Trying hard to be patient.

I don't like waiting.

Is there an ending?
I doubted.

Distance tears two apart.
Was the affection enhanced or faded?

Living in the same area.
Why are we being so close yet so far?

I hate waiting,
and that's enough to keep me waiting.

Mi Manchi and Ti Amo.
They always come with sweets and cakes.

3 条评论:

mikael 说...

casino x)

waiting is an endless road...
you should knew that

Kuraichiko 说...

Patience is a virtue!
I totally agreed with you since I don't like to wait for something with no ends. It seems to be for our loved one who always suffered from the overcome of the process of waiting! Pls don't make someone lose the opportunity to fall in love to each others. Let it be yours one time!

匿名 说...

Hey,6th July is my birthday!
And I am not patient...